Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Science squishes me!

Well I really wanted to get a new blog out, I really did. But you see a funny thing happened to me on the way to the computer.


That's right folks, I had this great theory about human nature, elegant in design, well thought out. All shiny and optimistic. And I promised to shelf it until I found more studies.

Well I didn't have to wait long.

Last week CNN published an article about the famous Milgram experiments (,
well damn! I forgot about that one! and they just reproduced the original 1960's experiment with the same results.
And then this....(
And this...(

So what's the point? Well, science is the point. You see I had this theory, and instead of making the data fit what I thought, I looked at the data and had to change my theory. Sounds simple, well trying doing that with something you are really passionate about. Or a hypothesis that you have been developing for years.

I remember years ago my ex wife worked for a large research operation that was studying the effects of carbon dioxide on coral growth worldwide. One day she came home in disgust and announced that she had to quit. It seems that the lead researcher was changing the data to fit her hypothesis. It makes you question just how much science is tainted by human ambition.

The Scientific Method is probably the most important concept in human history. As the late Carl Sagan once said "it is the candle in the darkness".

So, I will start over; form a new hypothesis, for it is the process of discovery that intrigues me!

"Truth is sought for its own sake. And those who are engaged upon the quest for anything for its own sake are not interested in other things. Finding the truth is difficult, and the road to it is rough." - Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen, 965–1039)

Post Script: I just wanted to take a second to sincerely thank the several people that donated to charity in my name. I am greatly humbled and moved. Thank you.
In addition, thanks for all the positive and negative comments, keep em coming!

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